The CASsH Calculator
Takes less than 5 minutes.
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When I started adding in recurring revenue streams into my business model, I used the same blueprint to do it every time. Then when my clients asked me to help them, I realised I was teaching them the same system and it was working. I turned this into my CASsH System for recurring revenue.
It helps entrepreneurs because it gives them a step by step blueprint to work towards. I don’t believe business should be complicated.
Using this system has helped me turn over 7 figures in revenue a year even though I’ve only been in business 3 years and it has helped so many of my clients create stable monthly revenue too – some up to £30k months even when they had no recurring revenue at all previously.
The CASsH System works because it covers all of the pieces of the recurring revenue jigsaw. It’s no good being able to launch properly if you haven’t grown an audience and it’s a waste of time writing your course or membership before you know it’s going to make you money. The CASsH System takes you through the process step by step, keeping things simple.